
F & A
Freches & Associes

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Public Business Law

Public procurement: Public Contracts, Concessions and Partnerships


Formulation of the organisational chart of the call for tenders on behalf of the contracting authority or entity

Structuration of the response to the call for tenders on behalf of the candidate

Review of the consultation file

Negotiation and review of contractual documentation (public contract, sub-delegation, group agreement, industrial contract, interface contract, finance contract, ad hoc agreement, etc.)

Performance, amendments and termination of contracts

Contracts performance litigation, drafting of statements of claim and claims for compensation

Criminal law related to public procurement (offence of favouritism, unlawful taking of interests)


Public Property and Real Estate Arrangements


Conception and structuration of real estate arrangements (building lease, administrative emphyteutic lease (bail emphytéotique administratif – BEA), sales in future state of completion (vente en l’état futur d’achèvement – VEFA), urban partnership project agreement (convention de projet urbain partenarial – PUP), etc.)

Acquisition and valuation operations for public properties, temporary occupation authorisations (autorisations d’occupation temporaire – AOT)

Classification and decommissioning operations for public domain assets

Expulsion of occupants of the public domain without title


Public Sector and Intercommunality


General assistance to public authorities, local authorities, their groupings and their public establishments (general administrative law, administrative police, local civil service, public finances, public accounting, control by the regional chambers of accounts (chambres régionales des comptes – CRC), criminal liability of elected representatives and officials, etc.)

Assistance in transfers of competence in favour of public inter-municipal cooperation establishments (établissements publics de coopération intercommunale – EPCI), assistance with mergers of authorities

Creation, governance, operation and evolution of inter-municipal structures and satellites of local authorities (public establishments of an industrial or commercial nature (établissement public industriel et commercial – EPIC), semi-public companies (sociétés d’économie mixte – SEM), local public companies (sociétés publiques locales – SPL), associations, etc.).

National and local elections litigation


Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution


Litigation related to the procurement process (pre-contractual and contractual summary proceedings before administrative and judicial courts, action to contest the contract’s validity) and the performance of public contracts (penalties, termination, compensation, etc.)

Conciliation, mediation, settlement, committee on amicable settlement of disputes and arbitration

Excess of power litigation (contentieux de l’excès de pouvoir), full jurisdiction litigation (plein contentieux), priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality (question prioritaire de constitutionnalité)

Emergency litigation (interim stay of execution (référé-suspension), freedom summary proceeding (référé-liberté), conservation summary proceeding (référé mesures utiles))


Economic Regulation


Economic regulation and related litigation: compliance, State aid, contestation of financial penalties, litigation related to the granting, withdrawal or suspension of authorisations or approvals, etc.

Litigation before sectoral regulatory authorities




Public procurement: Public Contracts, Concessions and Partnerships

Public Property and Real Estate Arrangements

Public Sector and Intercommunality

Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Economic Regulation

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